Netterm is a software program that is used to establish a connection to a server (in our case, NCCVAX) via telnet and TCP/IP from a PC. The machines in the campus labs should be set up for your use; just click on the phone icon to connect to NCCVAX.

Useful under 'File' are: 1) Print screen... this will print your current screen. Sends screen output to connected printer; 2) Printer Logging ... sends all output to the printer until turned off; and 3) Session Logging... this will log the output of NetTerm (what is printed to your computer screen) to a file. You will need to have your own disk to do this.

Session Logging

Connecting from Outside Campus Labs

In order to use NetTerm from a home machine, the proper setup must be installed. Under 'File', click on Phone Directory, scroll down to Telnet Default and fill in the following information:


Tiny Fugue is a telnet client that operates between your VAX $ prompt and DU-MOO. It helps format the output of the MOO (what is printed to your screen) and makes it easier to read. Tiny Fugue commands always begin with / . To use Tiny Fugue, type 'run tf' at the $ prompt.

TF is set to connect to DU as the default. You will connected to the login screen at DU. You should first connect by typing: 'co <your DU name> <your DU password>'.

Note: TF is set by default with '/more on' which wil print a screen's full of output and then stop, display a -MORE- in the lower lefthand of the screen. The TAB key toggles the -MORE- off. Whenever you see -MORE- , you will know that theere is more output waiting. Commands issued with -MORE- displayed will not be executed until after the -MORE- is gone. When the -MORE- is on, it is like the MOO is on "pause".

Useful TF commands are:

File Logging

TF will log a MOO session and save it as a file in the root directory of your NCCVAX account, i.e., it saves it to the $. Example: I issue the command '/log myfile.txt; then the output of the MOO/TF session would be logged to the file, myfile.txt. To see/edit that file, I would go to the $ and type 'type myfile.txt' or 'edit/tpu myfile.txt'. The file can be FTPed to a local machine as well.

Last modified 15 Jan 1998

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