
On February 29, 2000 Reverie was retired.

Instead, please use the Nero Alliance Yahoo Chat.

Reverie was a MOO (running the Lambda Moo software). It was a text based virtual world similar in feel to text based games made by Infocom in the latter half of the last century. The "Zork" series is the most well known. Before users had access to 3-D video cards, high bandwidth connections, and computers that could handle such processing requirements, text based games ruled the land.

Although a text based game has the possibility of stirring a mind like none other, (RE: the books vs. television argument) the advent of 3-D first person games like EverQuest has made the text based game obsolete.

Waaa, feel so old!
Lee Sonko 3-4-2000

I have included below the last homepage of the NERO Alliance Reverie for posterity and research purposes. The links to Reverie don't work.

Welcome to Reverie, the NERO MOO! This is where players from the NERO universes come together in virtual space!

If you aren't familiar with Reverie, please read some of the documents below. You'll save yourself quite a bit of time and trouble.

Click here to connect to
Reverie Proper
via Java client

get Quick Help for Reverie
how to get an account

You can also connect to Reverie Proper, via a MUD Client. Set your client software to go to swiftmail.com port #7777. Try connecting twice before giving up, it's sometimes a little slow.

"Nero? Wasn't that a Roman emperor or something?"

Find out all about NERO, The New England Roleplaying Organization!

There are some important guidelines for this virtual LARP:  

  1. This virtual world is a real extention of the live-action roleplyaing world that you are used to in NERO. Whatever your character says or hears in this world can affect them in the live-action world.
  2. Characters may not act anonymously or with a false identity without prior permission from the Plot Committe. Usually, a character or player will be held responsible for any object that they own. (Ownership can be determined with the "examine [object]" command)
  3. All communication is assumed to be In-Game unless it is taking place entirely in an Out-of-Game area or each communication has the prefix "OOG".
  4. A Character's possesions in this world are not real. If you steal Thundrin the Barbarian's sword in the virtual tavern, he does not have to give it up in the live-action world. However, he will probably still be mad at you!
  5. Characters can not make actual contact with one another or kill one another. If, while online, Thundrin says, "I kill Wimpo the Mage and jump on the bits." Wimpo does not have to hand over his life ticket. However, Wimpo might have bad feelings toward Thundrin when they see each other in real space.

If you have any trouble connecting, or you just want to know how anything works in this crazy Moo, check out the Reverie FAQ.

  1. Reverie FAQ   <---The best help!!
  2. The Reverie Guide
  3. A Classic MOO transcript from parcftp.xerox.com
  4. NetTerm and TinyFugue help

Here's some links to other sites that might be useful for the budding MOOer

  1. MOO-Cows FAQ
  2. Cup-O MUD home the java MOO client
  3. The Lost Library of MOO
  4. [rec.games.mud] Frequently Asked/Answered Questions
  5. /DEV/NULL/MOO another MOO
  6. Yahoo:MUDs,MUSHes,MOOs,
  7. LambdaMOO home source code for the MOO
  8. LambdaMOO help at swiftmail.com
  9. LambdaMOO help at berkeley
  10. ZMUD a MUD client
  11. BlackRabbit another MOO
  12. moo.mud.org
  13. Diversity University
If you still love those old experimental chat engines we tried in October '99, here they are. You'll have a hard time finding anyone online these unless you invite them on yourself.

Reverie Web Chat +easy to use, +many rooms, +works through all firewalls, -can be slow
Reverie Java Chat +easy to use, +fast access, +convenient Java interface, -won't work through most firewalls, -only one room, -advertising on it