Date: 03/21/95 11:19:56 PM From: xxxxxxx Lee Sonko (Gadlen) Via: World Unix Subject: [ Re: Hobling Packet] From Gadlen Tue Mar 21 23:12:25 1995 Received: by (5.65c/Spike-2.0) id AA00152; Tue, 21 Mar 1995 23:12:25 -0500 Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 23:12:25 -0500 From: Gadlen (xxxxxxx Lee Sonko) Message-Id: <> To: xxxxxxx Subject: [ Re: Hobling Packet] Reply-To: Lee Sonko Status: R From: Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 20:31:02 -0500 To: xxxxxxx Subject: Re: Hobling Packet Calm down Lee! 8^) EVERY race packet has huge parts that have to be rewritten, mostly because they don't agree with the Players' Guide, duplicate or contradict something in another race packet or in the in-game history, or just don't fit in with the image we want. It's an editorial process that all of our weekends and modules go through as well. Otherwise, we end up looking like NERO MA, where each weekend, module, and race packet has a completely different feel, almost as if they don't all belong in the same game. First let me say that much of it is fine. Don't think we're saying none of it is usable. We're just saying that as it currently exists it will not be passed. It needs changes, just like every other race packet we're reviewed needs changes. Let me point out a few problems with the hobling package: The main thing is that the feel of the whole packet is too silly. I know that Gadlen is a silly fellow, but not all hoblings are like that. I know you have your "straight" hoblings but the emphasis seems to be that they are the abberation and your version are the real thing. (I personally don't like the "straight", "dark" and "light" idea myself nor the roleplaying drunk idea - but that's my opinion and you shouldn't take it too harshly. As one who has been published and changed before, I too hate my editors while understanding that it is their vision that is what the thing is all about, not mine.) You begin by stating that "there are no hard and fast rules to roleplaying" and imply that people playing hoblings do not have to play this way if they don't want to. That contradicts the roleplaying a race guidelines in the Players Guide, where we insist that players abide by their racial stereotypes. Later, you describe hobling clothing as exactly like a gypsy's. Unfortunately, with gypsies, the only way to tell they are a gypsy is by clothing, speech and mannerisms. I doubt anyone could confuse a hobling with a gypsy, but it is possible, especially if the hobling doesn't wear those big feet. It's also restricting to players who don't want to be that way. If you want to be a sneaky, roguish hobling (which is the image most pushed by the Players' Guide), you'd hardly wear loud colors, jingle bells and big hats. You have Gadlen and Winifred managing the estate of Hafhym. I never agreed to that; I agreed that Lee and Kathy could do it on behalf of all hoblings. Be reasonable, why would two people who are not part of the local government and who spend much of their time in Ashbury city be allowed to manage the estate? Certainly there is some sensible Bilbo Baggins type sitting behind a comfy desk, pipe in hand, handling all the boring stuff like that. We are also trying to keep from mentioning any players in the race packet, which is why Hanson has to be removed as well. We want the race packets to be universal, applicable to other chapters (who hopefully will adopt them), and not have them become dated when those characters leave or die. This is not to say we can't add a "Who's Who in Ashbury" at the end, for other chapters can then add their own. Having hoblings reach puberty later than everyone else goes against the policy we have established earlier as far as race aging goes. It's a neat idea, but if we allow it then we're back to 4 year old orc knights and other things that we are trying to avoid. The idea of three marriage partners seems to suit the Mystic Wood elves or gypsies better. It's a nice idea, but not very hobling-like. Think Tolkien. The idea of giving birth differently from every other living being on Tyrra is just not feasible biologically (I know we're a magic-based game but come on). I like the emphasis on storytelling and most of the history is fine reading. However, there are some things in the Players Guide that aren't even mentioned or are only mentioned in passing in the race packet. Where is the love of living well, of a good home, of good living conditions, of good wine (why drink good wine if you get drunk just by standing near someone?)? Where is the emphasis on business? (Hoblings are a cross between hobbits and ferengi if you think about it.) According to the book, "the thought of doing something for free is appalling to them," yet that isn't even mentioned in the packet. Where is the honesty in their dealings that should be listed? So you see, the whole packet isn't being rejected, just parts of it. I don't think these changes and edits are unreasonable, and I'm sure you'll agree. Thanks. Mike