######################################################## #The Net.Names.List -- alphabetical order # #First Edition -- June 19, 1991 # #James Kittock (cthulhu@bacchus.acpub.duke.edu) Editor # # # #Thanks to all contributors, large and small! # #Contributor Id's are in parenthesis after names. # ######################################################## James Kittock--Class of 92--Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC Internet: jek@cs.duke.edu UUCP: mcnc!duke!jek Claimer: My opinions are not generally shared by Duke University or any part thereof. However, if they WERE, it would be a much better place. Contributors ------------ 00 James Kittock and friends 01 Darin McGrew 02 David Mar 03 Mike Whitaker 04 Mark Thomas 05 Andrew Bell 06 Mark Hassman 07 Samuel Joseph Robb 08 09 (Shiar Woodstaff by Jason Fike) 10 Brett Wuth 11 Michael Woodhams 12 Jonathan Sari 13 Lisamarie Babik <91babik@gw.wmich.edu> 14 Mike McAllister 15 Dallas Hopewell 19 "These are not my favourite names but names which can illustrate how to "create" names. They are all acronyms of American Civil War leaders. Can you guess who?" 20 Ron Vutpakdi 21 Glenn Host 22 Mark A. Schleifer 23 24 Dirk Walls 25 Gary G Zipfel "some may be from AD&D 1st ed DMG" 26 Jonny the Z "Fruticose & Frutuscent being the coolest English words ever put in a dictionary. Look em' up :-)" 27 Vernard C. Martin 28 Frank Stroker 29 Paul Brinkley 30 Max G. Webb 31 Greg Schmidt (various sources) 32 Lisamarie Babik <91babik@gw.wmich.edu> 33 34 Randy Escoto (Raven Blackburn) 35 Daniel L. Rouk 36 Chris Davies (translations from High Minoan) 37 Gerald Siek 'All these names are pronounced like the names in Tolkien's books. For example "Ithriel" is pronounced "E-tree-ell", and the "a"'s in "Ragnar" are prounounced like the "a" in "car"' 38 Ian Daniel 39 Jeremy Lakatos, the Avatar 40 Tolkeinian Names, contributed by Jeremy Lakatos (09) 41 (members of the Fellowship of the Pentagram) 42 Powers & Perils and Perilous Lands, Avalon Hill Co. (contr. by awmurray) The Names --------- A'Korchu (42) Aanastea (35) Aben-daga Ty-rir (08) Abstract (36) Acap (23) Adan (23) Adari (23) Adarivan (38) Adux (23) Aegnor (40) Aeolus Eyrie (39) Aeric (06) Aerlinn (03) Aetar Blaufeuer (06) Agginock (09) Ahlarhamba Jorgunnun (07) Alan (23) Alanna (03) Alaric (03) Aldarion (40) Alecu (19) Aleena (37) Alexia Falk, Queen of the Shadows (15) Alfred Qualudes Asparagus III (qualudes as in drugs) (23) Alirin (42) Aliza (42) Allan (03) Allanaz (00) Allanon (41) Alrad (41) Alyn (03) Alyria (07) Alyssa of the Woods (23) Amandil (40) Amat Yenta Ka ("Demon Lover" literally "Lover of the servants of K") (36) Amelanchier (a species of tree) (13) Amor Bori Sandflinger (15) Amphytrion (41) Amras (40) Amrod (40) Amron (37) Amur Staker (42) An-Lhak Gar-al (he's very specific about capitalization and hyphens) (31) Anadir (03) Anakan (41) Ananth (27) Anarion (40) Ancalagon (40) Ancor (19) Andulic (03) Angean (09) Angrod (40) Aniur (36) Anna (03) Annelise (03) Anton Onre (pronounced with an outrageous French accent) (23) Anya (03) Aq of the Flame (31) Ar-Cane (00) Ar-Gimilzor (40) Ar-Pharazon (40) Aramath Laforce (27) Aratad (42) Arawn (03) Arbor Thebus III (15) Arcain The Axe (25) Arcana Ard Rhi (39) Ardainn (42) Aregar (41) Ariane (03) Ariel (32) Ariel (41) Aries (41) Ariodante (41) Aristolis (08) Arlo Crymble (06) Arlyssa (05) Armidshir Farrah (name of famous guitarist) (39) Arvedui (40) Ascalon (03) Ashudan (42) Ashur (42) Asp Lim ("Quickblade") (36) Assiran (42) Asteria Finvarian (42) Athar the Prophet (23) Aule (40) Awen Oakthorne (27) Awlni (41) Aylin (03) Azarblat Frenh (31) Azare (09) Azrael (ok, so it's from the smurfs) (00) BHA'Lira (42) Ba'Rual (42) Baal (04) Baal (36) Bacquillinor (41) Bailog (00) Balamarth (35) Balar the Black (31) Balarth (35) Balon the Barbarian (BAY-lon) (25) Bang (01) Barahir (40) Barfravhyn (32) Barin (03) Barsyrryth Beringar (02) Barth Wader (a.k.a. Wader of the Yard) (11) Begosa (32) Belderath (15) Belfarius (32) Berian (32) Beth (03) Bhamot (42) Bhamotin (42) Big Ben (01) Bisanabi (41) Blostemar (29) Blotto Undertable (hobbit, of course) (11) Blue (41) Blukhorel ("Bluko") (13) Bolodoreus Lampblack (00) Boltar Aginwe (pron. AH-gin-way) (00) Bonzo (37) Boris the Benevolent (00) Bork (00) Bors (03) Bouncing Betty, the Lesbian Feminist Dwarf Cleric (28) Bregendar (41) Brin (03) Broca Longtree (27) Bronwyn (03) Brother Bob (22) Bumphastar (00) Burt Fan (23) Buzz the Furball (07) Cabal Telhlor (39) Cabro (41) Caldo (42) Caleb Mandrake (25) Calen Strail (brother to Daerlon and Kharlzad Strail) (31) Calor C'mell (07) Camerthon (10) Candorn (12) Carcaroth (40) Cardiel (39) Caret (01) Carrick (03) Cas a'Loreis (42) Castamir (40) Catharsis (17) Catrina (03) Catriona (03) Cavia (42) Cece (32) Cecilia (13) Celebria (37) Celowin Silvershield (25) Cerulea (42) Char Folge (brother to Dwarel Folge, twin of Rahc Folge) (31) Chemchech (02) Cherri (03) Chimlech (02) Chiros (42) Chrantych (02) Churrilem (29) Cindy (41) Cinji (41) Cohenskus (00) Colmik (23) Corwin (22) Corwin Gilithionel (39) Cowboy Bob (very good on horseback and with a lasso, of course) (01) Craven Stickyfingers, of the SnottySnatch tribe (a hobbit thief, natch) (30) Crechmach (02) Creesh Wari (23) Creeshna Wari (23) Critech (02) Cuchelecel Sar Torpiz (24) Curufin (40) Cylorn Kontrax (06) Daerlon Strail (brother to Calen and Kharlzad Strail) (31) Daeryn (32) Daissa (09) Dara Nimble (34) Darrian (from "Wall Street") (32) Darryn (03) Dartgnarl (10) Daylight (36) Dee Eff (aka, D.F., aka Dumb F***) (01) Delion (41) Delsordo (41) Denelcor Hep (Actually a computer, but it sounds neat.) (14) Dengaminor (29) Derado (36) Deral Orcusbane (34) Derik (22) Dharin (03) Dharna (13) Diamante (41) Diana (36) Dilligaf, the Apathetic Paladin (28) Dinkledorf (01) Dirk & Stearny Knight (a set of twins) (29) Dirllar (42) Dirmyg (41) Discord (36) Dof Nard (23) Dolanthalas Pipulan (34) Donara (42) Doran (42) Dorian (01) Dorpha Starl (02) Dougal Menchant (20) Dovel (19) Dragor (27) Drake (32) Drakkor (00) Drehg Idolaren (31) Dreshna Illahna (23) Dreylkin Elsanthi (00) Drizon (09) Duilciarran Suileach (20) Duke Adder Mistof (23) Duke Jupiter (From a first time player) (23) Dulcy (32) Dunil Woodhelven (34) Dwarel Folge (brother to Rahc and Char Folge) (31) Earnur (40) Edj (00) Egarius (38) Eldacar (40) Eldalonde (40) Eldamir (40) Eldmar (35) Eldoc (35) Eldon Fenton (31) Elena (03) Elise (03) Elise (13) Ellana (19) Ellisenct (29) Elrin Tarbel (39) Elrond (01) Elsbeth Mackay (41) Elyssa (03) Emanon (41) Enki (42) Ephaps Amacrine (00) Erevan (00) Ergo the Fool (34) Erik (03) Eriksson (03) Erion (27) Erkenbrand (40) Erwin Elwin, B. A. S. W. (Bachelor of Arts in Science and Wizardry) (28) Essera (13) Etel (pron. et-EL) (00) Evensong (35) Evro the Seafairer (25) Ewan (03) Exitaer (31) F'lon Vega (39) Fairchild { American Ground Support Aircraft } (38) Farothan Schlap (31) Father Takei (39) Feargil the Wanderer (15) Felagund (40) Felinor (23) Feric Strongbow (00) Ferowyn (Rohiric shield maiden) (11) Ficus (32) Fingers Larson (31) Finn Starseeker son of Marlan Starwind (42) Firien (32) Flamdwyn Karstas (celtic for "flame") (27) Flame (36) Fletcher Ditalyan, a Paladin-in-Training (28) Fley (04) Flokkenharl (29) Florrin Quinterren (derivation from Alan Dean Foster novel) (33) Foedmer (32) Forktongue (36) Fornod (10) Frealof (40) Friar John (22) Frydgyl (37) G'lin Fairsberg (10) Galamir (05) Galeb (35) Garath (36) Garlanthous (10) Garlid ap Rhys (20) Garth (24) Gaskinet (29) Gaya (03) Gazooga Zendar (02) Gearodht Flaherty, yet another Paladin (28) George the Fruticose Druid (26) Ghamal (42) Gilandra Angren (02) Gilarth Longbow (39) Gildur (41) Girion Firefeet (15) Glad Baggins (halfling) (24) Glick (00) Glutius Maximus (the Mage) (22) Gnur Adeloth -- a barbarian. (12) Gnute (17) Gontarian (38) Gralad Ganoff (25) Grandma Dynamite (17) Grandon (25) Granit (36) Grimblade, The Damage Jackal from Hell (07) Grindon Mindfogger (10) Grizzly (36) Grug Tukag (02) Grundi (13) Gularg Dogel (02) Gustaves Jeon (23) Gwaihir (40) Gwendalyn Hortence (for that "fuggly" character) (Jason Fike) (33) Gwindor (40) Gyor Giantkiller (31) Haitan Elsper (02) Halachmaya (26) Haladin (40) Hank the Sledge (31) Hapasker (29) Harair Bersan (42) Harlt (35) Harmony (36) Harold Relmont (15) Harper Laban (39) Harrold F. Plaugg, the Unnoticed (07) Harvester of Sorrows (07) Hash Magar (23) Hedocalch (38) Heironymous (Latin for 'sacred name' I think) (14) Helga (03) Herlt (35) Hilth (23) Hiramarth (35) Honest Jack (36) Huan (40) Huor (40) Iain (03) Iceman (07) Icona Reesh (23) Idril (40) Idris (03) Ievry Caarn XIII (16) Illan (03) Ilsa (13) Incarnadine (39) Ingus (sometimes known as Ingus the Dingus) (00) Iomencius (eye-oh-MEN-see-es) (29) Ira the Blue Prince (23) Ithriel (37) Ivon Critchfield (39) Ivy Took (41) Ivyleaf Silldar (02) Jacilyn (32) Jaku Bucek (02) Jalen (13) Jan (03) Jan (03) Jared (41) Jarina Mieran (02) Jemez (06) Jericho (a Ranger, got tired of the DM referring to him as "Ranger Bob") (28) Jerret (32) Jerry Fowlwell the Half-Orc Paladin or Cleric or Assssin or Thief (21) Jeshua (13) Jian (03) Jo-Kai (41) Jodrelle Fantha (02) Johnny Wad (a very lecherous character) (01) Judas Iscariot (people seem to be afraid to use this name) (39) Jumiah (32) Jx Mrls (07) Jymridel (29) K'tain u Eniou (26) Ka (36) Ka-Tanya ("Child of Ka") (36) Kaji (00) Kal Limeratta ("Lady Greatblade") (36) Kal Sin Futura ("Lady of Prophesy") (36) Kam-O-Ran (41) Kamik (41) Kara (03) Kara Rhialta (39) Kari (03) Karla (03) Karlos (13) Karmack (08) Kasha (42) Katrina (41) Kearan Armada (39) Keio Ieyasu (20) Keldor (03) Kelemon (41) Keller (41) Kelson (03) Kelspeth Mandren (02) Ken Po (a martial artist) (01) Kent Higlaf (25) Ker Orrum (main character in _The Blind Archer_) (39) Kera (23) Kerainn (42) Keri (03) Kharlzad Strail (brother to Calen and Daerlon Strail) (31) Khord the Wise (31) Kiar Bara (42) Kibby (19) Kiel (13) Killian (from "The Running Man") (13) Kilska (41) Kiltras (06) Kimarellyn (03) Kirazan (42) Kiro (31) Kitera (23) Klavin (22) Klovis (17) Knut (05) Koralon (41) Korelon (38) Korin (22) Korran Apallacine (09) Korwynn (32) Kredoc (04) Kreyar (32) Krgon the Eternal (23) Krock Woodhelvin (34) Krodnar Battlebones (drarven) (27) Krolthwaer (31) Krotar Dragonbane (15) Kroutan Dithle (23) Krys Smallfist (31) Kurath (13) Kwong-Li (08) Kymiana (27) Kyriel (00) LaDa (23) Labelia (40) Lama-Tonh (08) Landogey Sparnfith (02) Lanquo (00) Larwood Harrol (02) Lavenia Lordivar (27) Layla (03) Layna (03) Lazar (41) Leesh (23) Leila (03) Leila (08) Leila (pronounced LAY-luh) (01) Lemnicle (29) Liam (03) Lianna (03) Liara (00) Liesel (32) Lilith Sindra (39) Linaewen (40) Lindric (12) Liri (19) Lirial Ralen (31) Lisanne (03) Llundain (36) Lochran (32) Locras (34) Loe (08) Logan Helrayzer (27) Longard (39) Lord Airf (23) Lord Grana (23) Lord IFna (23) Lord Jez (23) Lord Naf (23) Lorydia (13) Lothlorien (J.R.R. Tolkein) (32) Lucifire ("Spirit of Fire") (36) Lyanna Mari (23) Lydia (37) Lymal Toad (24) Lynette Baldera (01) Lyntal Fynder (24) M (41) Ma'Helas (42) Machelltech (02) Madwander (35) Magnus (05) Maker (41) Malidon (23) Malkizadai (23) Mallock, Hammer of the Faith (15) Mandelbrot (05) Mandos (40) Mara Illyone (07) Marach (40) Marana Polthior (Princess) (02) Marcan (42) Marentia (42) Margo (22) Marius (32) Marlan (42) Marni (32) Marvin {Hitch Hikers} (38) Masmau (pronounced mas-may-u) (27) Maximillian Thornburn (23) Maxximillian Thornblade (27) Mearadon McNair (20) Mecalips (36) Mechrich (02) Meef (23) Meena (13) Melicore (41) Melisande (03) Melissa (03) Meluiwyth (32) Melusine (03) Menolly (41) Merlin (36) Messanier (29) Metaxa (36) Meztli (41) Mifnil (23) Migi (00) Miles Tage (23) Mindy (22) Minorou (32) Mirabae (41) Mirrin (03) Mithay (37) Mithna (23) Moira (42) Moonlark the Devout (10) Mordaran (42) Mordene (32) Morgan (03) Morgan (32) Morgan Kension (39) Morgan Ronwolf (39) Morgana (03) Morgana the Beast Mistress (23) Morwen (03) Mushin (41) Naitsirk (31) Nalene (13) Naomi Blackthought (07) Narya (40) Neavar (13) Nemisis (16) Nenya (40) Nerid (42) Niall (03) Nibdill Triana (02) Nightshade (36) Nimrodel Silverleaf (modified from Tolkien) (39) Nitsuj (00) Nobb (32) Norah (32) Northernstar (05) Nosamonce (29) Nurf, the Exceptionally Resilient Gnome (28) Nyssa (03) Obadiah (aka Obi) (01) Ober Granite (24) Oberon (08) Obi-Wanda Shenobi (41) Og Bloodfist (31) Olaf Ironhand (07) Onatan the Faithful (00) Onodrim (40) Onri NuValle (23) Orien Lockmaster (07) Orimoor (29) Orodreth (40) Oron Gorsh -- a real pompous ass. (12) Owain (03) Ozelius (09) Paigel (32) Palomides Surma (39) Paren (01) Pariek (09) Pauli Veldar (23) Pee-Wee McGee (41) Pelaran (42) Periandros (37) Peter Martyr (A CE Illusionist) (28) Phoenix (41) Phylo (as in the philosopher) (23) Priault (29) Progner Tilster (02) Pron-ta-lim ("Rose with Thorns") (36) Punchem Inaface (a Great Troll, in RQII, briefly alias Pattem Onthehead) (18) Q-ees'nearht, the Hyperactive CN Dwarf (28) Qaterina (00) Qeosh (35) Qooe (35) Quazi D. Bolt (26) Que Quefner (22) Quens (35) Quidrocke (29) Quinn (32) Qwoj Rij (02) Raada the Warrior (pro. Rhoda) (23) Rad (36) Rael (35) Ragnar (37) Rahc Folge (brother to Dwarel Folge, twin of Char Folge) (31) Raisa (32) Rajean Olea (23) Ralvis (20) Ranashad (00) Rand Silvershard (10) Rantir (19) Ranulf (03) Rat-Rat (13) Rawen Windhammer (27) Rayonnante (41) Reginald Boxtan (23) Regis Baya (42) Rek (36) Relt (35) Remtich (02) Renark (15) Reth Flarthall (31) Revin (35) Rhiannon (03) Rhianwen (03) Rikivaan (23) Rillis (12) Rinuel (41) Riplen (32) Rocky (41) Roghsa (42) Rom Andarius (20) Rory (35) Rothbane (12) Rubix (05) Rugas (24) Rundlen Dretmor (31) Runevier (29) Rusa (32) Saavikam Orine Rahab the Psion (39) Sadie the Seer (23) Saeros (40) Saggitus Magellan (39) Sala Senti ("Hand of Sala") (36) Salan Harthan (23) Salaqi (42) Salin (42) Sarah (13) Sarban Arday (27) Sard Carnelian (24) Sarghut (42) Sariel (32) Scrapp (00) Seeth (23) Sellek (03) Senshal dur Mukren (20) Sewa Ania (Enchanted wilderness in Yaqui Indian) (26) Shamira (42) Shandar Van Der Graaf, a CE Fighter (28) Sharda (32) Sharptooth (36) Shashindra (41) Shazir Shiben (42) Shea (42) Shiar Woodstaff (09) Shir-Lung Benkei (39) Shiro Benkei (39) Shiroku (41) Shu'ukhtzycheakh (pronounced shoo-ookh-TZAI-chay-ahkh, aka Shu) (01) Shwapna (22) Sidhelle (13) Simon Dezhad (07) Simsy (13) Sinarktus Balor (Nicknamed SIN, evil wizard name) (25) Sinriff Dalon (Dal-un) (25) Siqkar (31) Sir Atiphard (16) Sir Fortran Modula II (11) Sirius (41) Skee (22) Skeeve (everyone kept calling him Sleeve!) (34) Ski (22) Skritila (23) Sleeshslaslesh (23) Sly Underhill (10) Smedvick (00) Snoozer Vine (from Micheal Moorcock's 'End of Time' series) (17) SoosVoy (36) Sosus (22) Spickett (32) Sporon (37) Squiggle (01) Sreal (35) Staskoll (29) Stefan (03) Stein (00) Stephanie (03) Stephen (13) Stephon Malgray (27) Stochinoa (36) Storm (36) Suenja (39) Sumovox (35) Suttrig (09) Takera (03) Tal (03) Talbot (23) Talon Fireforg (hey, it's not my character) (15) Tamar (03) Tanquil (03) Tanya Benkei (39) Tar-Minastir (40) Tar-Palantir (40) Tarak (37) Tarl (03) Tarl Thundermnt (pronounced "thunder-munt") (27) Tarlac Mendosa (34) Task (23) Tayno (41) Teene (36) Teflon Pan (23) Teim (39) Telegorm Ghelmerigon (39) Tengeron (29) Teos (42) Tephus of the Siltwater (10) Teril (03) Tha Khan (36) Thaliba (42) Thanos (41) Thar Mohjyn (brother to Xnartl Mohjyn) (31) Tharin (03) Tharis (35) Thark (13) Tharloin Tridann (02) The Incisor (31) The Preacher (07) The Widow Tage (23) Thea (00) Thor Bensilva (37) Thordon (10) Thorian (01) Thorl (10) Thorox Bondag (14) Thyvar LaMajere (27) Ticasi (42) Tilal (42) Tilor Kinfelten (06) Timachan the Mage (but some, they call me ... Tim?) (15) Timothy (13) Tirion (40) Tisk (23) Tissien tar Zidan (07) Tobias Ysalter (pron. TOE-bias ye-SAL-ter) (00) Tolnar the Wise (31) Tolric Mordenkainen Ghelmerigon (39) Toric (35) Trafloki (00) Trandozian the trendy (38) Treblokk (00) Trechlich (02) Tribor Solando (02) Triock Rosenthall (35) Ts'elujit'e Eto (pron. tsye-LU-yi-tye EH-tah) (00) Tschema (19) Two-gun Tallboys (midget gunfighter) (11) Typlech (02) Tze-Kurk (41) Udema (32) Unitar (38) Uraniper (29) Uriele (41) Urien (03) Urion (27) Usetsu Kinshi (00) Ustvestia (39) Uthgahr (13) Vahagn (42) Val'rye (41) Valerian (42) Valgoth (03) Valhirar (35) Valorian (00) Veleda McCloud (39) Venable Baetjer (00) Venik (32) Venya (13) Verigris Ashrock (27) Vilya (40) Virillar Taverner (09) Vivianne (03) Vlatin BlackStalk (23) Vleck (35) Vleckra (35) Volanna ("Panther Man") (36) Voltan (41) Voxaiteer (29) Vronya (03) Wamsy (32) Wandelbar (41) Wave (36) Were-Abold (41) Willis (37) Wim (32) Witrack (41) Wolankest (29) Woldan (37) Wolfwitch (41) XOR (pron. ZOR) (00) Xekrekin (29) Xian (42) Xnartl Mohjyn (brother to Thar Mohjyn) (31) Xtelene (pron. ICKS-tel-ene) (00) Xylex Krill (23) Y'ba (personal meaning "Elf bane") (36) Yang (36) Yin (36) Ylar (35) Ylwine (35) Yolanthicus (29) Yolarren (39) Ysbaddaden (41) Zandar Efla (23) Zariya Savindy (27) Zarun (42) Zatnidies (26) Zeb (41) Zeignridov (29) Zeno (41) Ziel (32) Zrynna ot Zana (23) --