Optional, Advanced


How to install ssh on a Windows 2000/XP g

How to install a ssh client (called ssh, from OpenSSH)

(1) Create a folder c:\cygwin

(2) Download cygwin's setup.exe from http://www.cygwin.com/ and store setup.exe in folder c:\cygwin
Double click g c:\cygwin\setup.exe

When it asks "Local Package Directory", type c:\cygwin
When a selection screen comes up, click the little View button for "Full" view  g,
find the line "OpenSSH", click on the word "skip" so that an appears in Column B,
see this illustration.

Click g to start installing cygwin and ssh.
Size of the basic cygwin system is about 40 Meg, this may take a while if you have a slow connection.

For Windows XP SP2, you have to tweak the "Windows Firewall" to allow TCP 22

Click Start...Control Panel....Security Centre....Windows Firewall....Exceptions....Add
Thanks to Stefano of Sardegna, Italy for the Windows Firewall reminder.

You can also use putty (an excellent freeware g ssh client).

Just download and run putty.exe from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/

How to install a ssh server (called sshd)

Click here on how to setup a ssh server on Windows 2000 or Windows XP g


© 2003-2005 Nicholas Fong

Last revised:  January 22, 2005