(taken from http://orwant.www.media.mit.edu/tpj/contest)
The Perl Journal
0th Obfuscated Contest Entries

Best of Show:Gisle Aas
Category winners:Russell Caton, Robert Klep, Bob Sidebotham

The entries are keyed 'A' through 'K'; the author-written solutions are provided after all the entries.

In the spirit of the contest, you can use this Perl snippet created by waider@waider.ie to extract each entry and save it to a separate file:

perl -n -e '/Solution/&&exit;if ( /^([A-L])\. / ) {open(OUT, ">$1.pl");
print "$1.pl\n"; print OUT "#\!/usr/bin/perl\n" unless $1 eq "E";
chmod 0755 ,"$1.pl";}else {close OUT if /^\s*Most|^\s*Best|^\s*Honorable/;
print OUT}'
The Submissions

Best Four Line Signature

A. Third-place tie: Krishna Sethuraman

%bar = split(//,'b sefcwPjrnsaJrhelvhiomrqed uahtyklapecttug,x kron');
print  @bar{reverse sort {index(join('',a..z),$b)*4%25<=>
index(join('',a..z),$a)*4%25;} keys bar};

B. Third-place tie: Sriranga Veeraraghavan

$_=substr($ARGV[0],0,1);s/ //;$_="#"if/^$/;$c=$"x17;$u=$".$_ x5;$m="$_   $_";
$p=" $_ "."  $m"x2 ." $m"x2;$,=$\="\n";$i="$,$c$_ $_$_$u$u$_$u$u";$b=" $_$_$_"
x4 ." $p";$o=$c.$p;$s="$c $_  $u$_ $m$u$u$_$\$c     $c$_$\ $c$c$m$,$c$c$u";

C. Second place: Poul Sørensen

$_="The perl journal\r"; $|=1;
print while select('','','',.1),eval $e || $e=~tr [4567lu] [6745ul];

D. First place: Robert Klep

r)*$x-($y=$i)*$y+$X;$i=2*$x*$y+$Y;$x*$x+$y*$y>4&&last}print unpack("\@$n a"
,".,:;=+itIYVXRBM ");$X+=3/80}$Y+=2.4/25}

Most Powerful

Third place: Robert Klep

...for his aforementioned Mandelbrot set generator.


E. Second place: Gordon Lack

#!/usr/bin/perl -w015l12pi.bak

F. First place: Russell Caton


Most Creative

G. Third place: Stephen McCamant

use Math::BigInt;$|=1;$%=2;($y,$b=>$c,$d)=map{new Math::BigInt $_}4,1,12,
=(10*($y%$b),10*($c%$d))=>($;,$:)=($y/$b,$c/$d)until($;-$:);goto a

H. Second place: Steve Lidie

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
:h%@#=>&hr%:u?:tr $_=>$^+1=>$~}eval%joi~%'',@#;/;y/!#^&%:?~/pohc sbn/;eval;s/~/length/;#$;
=qw(journal 44311229729931072 lrep 973109310 eht 32260283262259210);frog>$^+1=>$~}eval;f#r

I. First place: Bob Sidebotham

# $Id: pisig,v 1.21 1996/07/08 19:35:21 rns Exp $
$maxerrors = 220; # needs tuning
$pi = reverse "3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062

while ($offset < length($pi)) {
        my($x) = substr($pi, $offset +++ 0, 2);
        my($y) = substr($pi, $offset +++ 1, 1); # XXX should be 3?
        my($z) = substr($pi, $offset +++ 2, 1);
        if ($x * cos($y) / cos($z)) {
                $dbg .= chr ($x) x $y;
                if (++$errors >= $maxerrors) {
                        # "cannot happen"

# passes sig test

Best 'The Perl Journal'

J. Honorable mention: Terry Greenlaw

open(_=>${$[|$|})?$_=<_>:$<=>,    # Java Dweebs, Eat Your Hearts Out!
split(//=>$.x57.0.$_), print #        Not Indenting Is Bad On The Eyes
map($_[ord],map/#\s+(.).*?\s(.)/=><_>); # Vec() Should Be In Here Somewhere

Honorable mention: Poul Sørensen

...for his aforementioned Four Line Signature entry.


Honorable mention: Krishna Sethuraman

                        for ('the', ' perl', ' journal')
                     {print} out and -mail -us -your -gems;
                             do {it} while (you -can)

Third place: Steve Lidie

...for his aforementioned Most Creative entry.


K. Second place: Bill Pollock

# _The Perl Journal_ Contest.  Category 4.  billp@statenet.com

        #anZDbprNGn #rD                  #j"VdiuYh                  #qv
            #nc     #tx                  #pu   #l"v                 #bC
            #ti     #TW                  #Ho    #,z                 #ph
            #X,     #Z"ceO.   #'vMPW     #Ke   #h"e #CTZR,  #vreenx #C\
            #lb     #Xa #GP. #n;  #Mr    #uJfcaBuo #SH  #"K #uVrl   #XJ
            #nF     #Ak  #Nk #awY"tzl    #Tp       #EqJq\i; #KS     #sn
            #wV     #y"  #L\ #"rs        #\E       #hd;     #n.     #A'
            #w.     #J'  #x.  #uD"gr     #"Y        #mQAKp  #.M     #KT

             #vZ.EB                                             #NB
               #".X                                             #-H
                #xb                                             #.L
                #Di  #mJD.w  #kG  #nV #x.V\TJ #;a.L,o   #!wiZ-  #".
                #xN #Hix.-As #Mt  #.T #;eOa   #.p #npP     #sh. #ps
                #l. #mY  #;u #fq  #dw #Ew     #ij  #". #w,Yh"\k #UL
                #ON #H.a;koe #.Hg #q, #p.     #mU  #na #v;  #fR #gD
                #Jc  #.E.pV   #aNo.uo #as     #u'  #ox #xqm.;wq #Nw

open($^P);$^A = chop ($/ = <0>); @@ = split("",$/); $^A .= @@[
$^A.=shift(@@)]; (($0 = <0>) =~ s^A[$^A]^A^Ag);@A = split("",$0); shift @@;
grep ((($, .= ((@A[($A += (int((ord $_) / 16)))]))) =~ sM-^W\.M-^W M-^W),@@);
eval $,;

L. First place: Gisle Aas

*$^F**$^F-1)=al;s$\$/( )\$/\$/$e\$2\u\$^X\$2\$3o\$1r$    && print time
The Solutions

A. Krishna Sethuraman

I first created two strings, one with the message and one with
the first 25 letters of the alphabet:

a   b   c   d   e   f   g
   h   i   j   k   l   m
  n   o   p   q   r   s
 t   u   v   w   x   y

(staggered by 4 characters, wrapping around at 25)

$str1  = 'Just another Perl hacker,';
$str2 =  'atnhbuoicvpjdwqkexrlfysmg';

Split them into arrays:

@str1 = split(//,$str1);
@str2 = split(//,$str2);

Interleaved the two arrays, character by character:

for (0 .. 24) {
$str3 .= $str2[$_] . $str1[$_];
print $str3, "\n";


aJtunshtb uaonioctvhpejrd wPqekrelx rhlafcyksemrg,

Now, every other character (starting with the first) is in the staggered,
wrapped alphabet.  Next to that character is the corresponding character in
the first string.

And turn this into a hash (each character in the 25-character alphabet 
string is a key):

%foo = split(//,$str3);
print %foo,"\n";

The sorting algorithm takes two values, and compares them - the index and
join find the key (alphabetic character) 's position in the alphabet, and
the *4%25 finds its position in the staggered, wrapped alphabet string.
The relative positions of two keys in the staggered, wrapped strings
are then compared to produce the sort value.

print keys %foo, "\n";
print sort {index(join('',(a..z)),$a)*4%25<=>index(join('',(a..z)),$b)*4%25;}
keys %foo;
print  "\n";

We apply this sort to the keys of the hash producing an array (which is the
same as @str2 above) which is used as keys to the hash %foo, and the hash
values are displayed.

print  @foo{sort
keys %foo};

$str3 can be altered as long as each pair of characters stays together, 
because they'll all be sorted by the first character (which turns into a hash
key, as above) anyway.

%bar = split(//,'b sefcwPjrnsaJrhelvhiomrqed uahtyklapecttug,x kron');
print  @bar{reverse sort {index(join('',a..z),$b)*4%25<=>
index(join('',a..z),$a)*4%25;} keys bar};

B. Sriranga Veeraraghavan

# get the first character of the first argument # and set it equal to $_ for future convenience $_=substr($ARGV[0],0,1); # if its a space get rid of it, save four # characters by not having to type $a=~s/ //; s/ //; # reset $_ if it equals nothing, saved another # four characters by not having to say # $a="#"if($a eq""); $_="#"if/^$/; # initalize the padding save one character by # using the default value of $" instead of # saying $c=" "x17; $c=$"x17; # initalize another variable and save a character # by using $" $u=$".$_ x5; # initalize some more varaibles $m="$_ $_"; $p=" $_ "." $m"x2 ." $m"x2; # set two of the print statements output variable # thus saving lots of characters. $,=$\="\n"; # initalize the main picture $i="$,$c$_ $_$_$u$u$_$u$u"; $b=" $_$_$_"x4 ." $p"; $o=$c.$p; $s="$c $_ $u$_ $m$u$u$_$\$c $c$_$\ $c$c$m$,$c$c$u"; # print that sucker out print$i,$o,$b,$o,$s

C. Poul Sørensen

 $_="The perl journal\r"; $|=1;
Simple assignment. The program will work as intendended with two or more alphabetic ASCII characters - at.least one upper-case and one lower-case character is needed.

$|=1 makes output unbuffered so we won't have to sit around all day.

This is an assignment of an expression which eventual will find any upper-case character, followed by zero or more non-characters, followed by any lower-case character and turn the upper-case character into lower-case and vice versa.
 print while select('','','',.1),eval $e || $e=~tr [4567lu] [6745ul];
This is an eternal loop which prints out the string while it modifies it, or - if there is no matching characters, reverses the expression to look for lower-case followed by upper-case (or re-reverses the reversed (or re-re-reverses the re-reversed (or ...))). The select(...) is only to set the cycle-time to 1/10'th of a second so we can see what going on before we get too bored.
It all sprang out from my JAPH .signature:
  require "std/disclaimer.ph";
  $CC =  +-1; # the Computer Constant - very useful when writing loops.
  $|=1; printf "Just another [lazy] %s hacker\r",("PERL","perl")[sleep(1)] while ($[=$[?0:1,1);
but - unfortunately - this only works with perl4, as the semantics of $[ has changed. (BTW - I wish I could write $CC = 11; - it would have been a much nicer computer constant).

I have therefore modified my signature

  $|=1; printf "Just another [lazy] %s hacker\r",("PERL","perl")[sleep(1)+$i]  while ($i=$i?0:$CC,1);
and tpjbzzzzer is a derivate of this.

D. Robert Klep

What to tell? The program draws the 'default' Mandelbrot (Z1 = Z0^2 + c)
fractal in ascii-text, on a 80x25 text-screen. The maximum number of
iterations is 15 and is kept in $n, which also serves as index to the
unpack(), to write the calculated character. Bounds of the fractal are
hardcoded, and are Xlo = -2, Xhi = 1, Ylo = -1.2, Yhi = 1.2:

     Xlo                   Yhi
        |                 |
       _|                 |_ 0
        |                 |
        |                 |
     Ylo                   Xhi

E. Gordon Lack

The program is actually fairly trivial, but you were short of entries, so that should increase my chances - perhaps no one else has thoughT of a similar idea (unlikely, but....) The program will convert a Mac-format file into a Unix one. In fact I have this program in my personal PATH, where it contains the following comments so that I know what it does. I've added the i.bak to the entry... # Read a file with ^m terminators - output it with newlines # Done *entirely* with the command line options! # Append i.bak to the options to get in-place edits...

F. Russell Caton

The output of this code is farily uninspiring, it gives the next available numeric id from the /etc/passwd file, or nis(+) password map. It was originally written as a in house utility and then compressed to 120 bytes $-=100; The program sets an initial counter $-. The uid it returns will be the next available uid above that. It is good for finding holes in password files that are not necessarily in c orrect numbered sequence. while((($@)=(getpwent())[2])){push(@@,$@);} It then sucks all the uids from the passwd file, and then the nis map if applicable, using getpwent and a slice, storing it in a scalar $@. It then pushes the value of $@ into an array called @@. foreach(sort{$a<=>$b}@@){(($_<=$-)||($_==($-+++1)))?next:die"$-\n";} It then numerically sorts the array $@ and begins to loop with each successive value of $_ If the element of $@ is less than or equal to $- the loop is rerun with the next value of $@ If the element of $@ is one more then the value of $-, the two entries are considered to be sequential. The value of $- is incremented (after the comparison) and the next element of $@ is processed. When the next element of $@ is more than $- + 1, there must be a hole in the passwd file/n is map, so the value of $i + 1 is printed. The value of $i + 1 is the only output the program should ever produce.

G. Stephen McCamant

The algorithm was borrowed from a demo for a language named after a snake, which was (I think) itself derived from a demo for ABC (the language -- yuck). Techniques: `,' changed to `=>' in random locations `map' `goto' multiple statements changed into one, using the comma operator `$x == $y' changed into `not $x - $y' `tr' changed to `y' regular variables renamed to punctuation variables whitespace removed

H. Steve Lidie

What you have here is a simple Perl TCP client/server. The server runs on my Unix box. When a TCP connect arrives on the appropriate port, the server outputs 'The Perl Journal', and then logs where the request originated from!

 My entry contains the TCP client encoded after the __DATA__ statement, while the poorly obfuscated Perl code simply decodes the data and eval()s it.

 The encoding scheme is really dumb: first digit is a count indicating how many of the following digits make up the integer representation of one ASCII character of the client.

 Decoding the decoder in large part depends on these statements:


    y/!#^&%:?~/pohc sbn/;eval;
If you make this simple substitution the Perl decoding script begins to magically appear. The eval() then decodes the client and executes it. Note that most of the decoding script are unintelligible comments!

 Even with the hidden server code the total byte count is within the contest limits.


I. Bob Sidebotham

The program makes a pretense of computing something to do with PI. In actual fact, only the first part of the string $pi is the correct expansion of that constant--the rest is a reversed run-length encoding (of some sort) of a banner that reads "THE PERL JOURNAL" in block letters. The $x * cos($y) / cos($z) is just obfuscation: it's always true, at least when it's needed by this program. $maxerrors is just the number of encodings to decode (from the end of the string). The concatenated result is printed by the die statement. The +++ is just something I threw in because I thought it looked like something that a Real Perl Hacker might use in everyday obfuscated code (this program was an attempt to model "real world" coding styles).

J. Terry Greenlaw

The code opens itself in via the $0 parameter, hidden as ${$[|$|}, reads the first line (containing "Just Another Perl Hacker") into $_. It then pads $_ with 57 $) characters and splits it into @_. It then iterates over every line that starts with a # and whitespace and takes the first letter of the first and second words. It passes all of these letters (FLMTPMRSTCJDNIVS) through ord to get a list of offsets into @_ that point to each of the letters in "Just Another Perl Hacker" that makes up "the Perl Journal".

K. Bill Pollock

I guess it couldn't have been all that bad to have gotten you here, eh? I chose the overall design since I kinda liked the idea of embedding something that would print the message within the message itself. Well, here's how it works. Essentially, all the visible code is used to extract out the actual printed code, buried in "The Perl Journal" pseudofiglet. The "comment" line below the interpreter line is used as the key for the embedded code. The ASCII values of the characters, divided by 6 and int'd are used to find the next character in the eval'd string. As the code goes, we open the file itself using $0 and the default open file shortcut. We then begin to build our figlet filter, stored in $^A. We break open the line a bit, dumping it into @@ (which, BTW, I always thought was the coolest of the Star Wars machines). The usage of $A and shift essentially does the same thing. A roundabout way of storing "# " for later use as our base regexp. The next line uses the regexp to strip the line down to a single entity, composed of the characters. The resulting string is broken up, using our "comment" key; "." is converted into space. The comment string is a bit longer than we need, so we convert the rest into a single string using "''", both protecting the eval integrity and the hiddenness of the code. As an added feature, the control characters do some odd things with some printers and emulations, dropping out completely on our HP4's :)

L. Gisle Aas

1. Starts out with "Thu Jan" which happens to be the Unix epoch. 2. Add those chars that are missing 3. Assign the string to $# 4. Print a number (which does not print a number but $#)
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