Burning Man Supplies

This is a review and commentary of the supplies I took to Burning Man 2004 - 2008. I hope you (and I) can benefit from it!

2004: I had my gear shipped out in a train container with Thesticknyc.org. Mad props! I slept in my own tent in my own camp on Neptune at about 5:20.

2005: I drove out from San Francisco (!!). Everything fit in my 1998 Chrysler Sebring, + a passenger and luggage from Reno to the playa. Again, I went "light". I ended up joining up with Barry's Octopelvis crowd.

2006-2008: Drove out from San Francisco, hauling everything in my 1998 Chrysler Sebring. In 2006 and 2007 Charlotte and I drove together, fitting everything in the car. In 2008, we went in separate cars.


On My Person




I've tried bringing my camp stove but I'm just not into cooking out there. I've been very happy bringing food that didn't need cooking. I just want to eat and get back out there. I've never lit my stove. I might if it gets cold, rainy, and not too windy to cook.

Food Packing Misc:

Food I packed and liked:

Food I packed and didn't use (probably would have been good)

Food I packed and didn't like:




Other Stuff

In 2004 I spent 35,000 Continental Onepass miles to fly round-trip from Newark, NJ to Reno, with a layover in Detroit. I ordered my tickets on 7-11-04 for travel on August 28th and September 8th. I had to pad my trip by 2 days on both ends in order to keep the pricetag down to 35,000 miles. (The cheapest flights are 25,000 miles round-trip). The extra 10,000 miles bought me a 1st class ticket on the way home.

Some of my sources:




